Horse breeds

French students: Sarah Charavay, Natacha Rahm, Anaïs Tuypens-Gounot, Pauline Garcia, Jordane Vigneron.

Portuguese students: Patrícia Silva, Manuel Raposeiro, João Airoso, João Dias, Hugo Ramalho.


This breed lives in Camargue.
He has grey coat. He is little, nimble and robust.
He's used for cattle sorting and for hiking.

Selle Français.

This breed comes on the south west of France.
All coat are accepted but the bay coat is better. They are tall, muscular, and so talented in jump.
They are multipurpolse.
We can put children on their back because they are so kind. 


This breed comes from Franche Comté. His coat is usually chestnut with washed hair, but they can be bay with washed hair. His size is between 1.50 m and 1.60 m. 
This horse is so talented on harness and unloading. He is multipurpolse too.


I can't tell you his origines because I don't know that.
His size is between 1.60 and 1.80m.
His coat is grey are black, but sometimes we can see others.
He is used for harness, unloading, display in hand.


Franches montagnes.

This horse is not French but is Swiss, Switzerland is our neighbor.
His size is between 150 and 160 cm. His coat is generally bay, black or chestnut.
He is used for harness, pony trekking and games with children.



The Lusitano horse is the direct descendant of the Iberian horse. Thanks to the isolation of this part of Europe, here survived and evolved since about fifteen thousand years, almost completely free of foreign influences until very recently.
This horse expanded throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa, being still used in the 18th century as universal improver.
It was only in the 19th and 20th centuries that he suffered various infusions of strange blood, as a result of the need for greater traction.
These two hundred years were enough to make the Lusitano bigger, making him to seem lighter and able for almost all disciplines of modern equestrian sport.


Middleweight (weight approx. 500 kg); of rounded forms, which can be fitted into a square silhouette.

Withers average, measured with measuring stick at the age of 6 years: 1, 55 m the females, 1,60 m the males.


Well-proportioned, medium length, thin and dry, mandibular branch little developed and faces relatively long, slightly subconvex profile, forehead slightly relieved forward, eyes on the elliptical, big and lively, expressive and confident. The ears are of medium length, slender, thin and expressive.

Medium length, arched; thin mane, binding of close to head, wide at the base, well inserted into the shoulders, rising up without marked depression.

Well defined and extensive, with a smooth transition between the back and the neck, slightly higher than the croup.
Average amplitude, deep and muscular.

Well muscled forelegs, harmoniously inclined. Straight and well muscled forearm. Dried boletus, relatively bulky and almost hairless. Pasterns relatively long and sloping. Hooves of good constitution, well conformed and provided, not too open. The coronet is not very evident. Buttock short and convex. Muscular thigh, about the short, directed so that the patella sits upright hip tip. Leg over the long, placing the tip of the hock directly vertical from the tip of the buttock. The hocks are large, strong and dry. Legs with relatively closed angles

Well developed, extensive and deep, ribs obliquely arched into the joint with the spine, providing a short and full flank.

Well directed, tending to the horizontal, making a smooth union between the withers and the kidney.

Long, obliquas and well muscled.

Short, wide, muscular, slightly convex, well connected with the back and the croup, with which they form a continuous harmonious line.

Strong and well-proportioned, rounded, slightly oblique, length and width of identical dimensions, harmonic, convex profile, and tips of hip relatively unobtrusive, giving the croup an elliptical transverse section. The tail, of long, silky and abundant hair, grows from the croup.

The most frequent are the grey and the brown, in all their nuances.

Noble, generous, ardent, always gentle and able to suffering.

A natural tendency for concentration, with big predisposition for High School exercises; great courage and enthusiasm in the Gineta exercises (combat, hunting, bullfighting, cattle husbandry, etc).

Agile and elevated, projecting forward, smooth, very comfortable for the rider

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